Flipclock medium

Here’s how I got 70k+ views
on my simple digital clock

Tanmay Makode
2 min readMay 6, 2022


I have created flipclock. It is a simple digital clock which is inspired by famous social-media clock called fliqlo.
I launched this website on 25th December 2021 on Product hunt and since that time I have received over 70,000 views and 600 users using this website daily.

How I achieved it?

so there are a few reasons why this simple website got so much exposure.

1. This website is a simple solution for a problem ⚙️

fliqlo is a screensaver which requires a lot of time to
setup and install and it was also only available for mac. But flipclock solves it by making it easily accessible through web and works on every device.

2. Thing that boosted the growth 🚀

Microsiervos a Spanish new site promoted my website on 30th December 2021. I was just on top of the world after hearing this news 😁. After this all things changed suddenly the traffic went from 50 to 700 visitors per/day. Though this got me just 1,000 view till now but it definitely started the snowball effect.

3. Some new features 💡

  1. Easily toggle between light and dark mode
  2. Setup event held monthly check here

The main reason of creating this app

I love desk setups, so I was just scrolling through various posts and I landed over this beautiful clock screensaver that caught my attention. And then I just googled it as I wanted to download that clock but then I found that this is just available as a screensaver, which was a bit hard for me to setup 🥲
Then I thought why not just create a web version for this app, like it would be easy 🤷‍♂️ right.. So then I started searching on how to create it and I was so excited that I finished this full project in 3 Hours.

Lessons to learn

The number one lesson I learned from this is that no problem is big or small.

“If you truly solve a problem, you will definitely be rewarded”

Hey 👋 everyone this was my first medium article
I hope you found this useful and there are many more interesting experiences that I have and would like to share over here.
Thank you for reading this ⭐️


Website. Twitter. Mail me. Indiehackers

